
Health Alert: Understanding the Mystery Respiratory Illness Affecting Dogs in 2023

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We are reaching out with important information regarding an emerging health concern for our canine companions. Reports from New Hampshire to Oregon have identified an “atypical canine infectious respiratory disease” affecting dogs, with some cases turning deadly.

The Mysterious Illness

As per the Oregon Department of Agriculture and veterinary professionals, symptoms of this disease include coughing, sneezing, discharge from the eyes or nose, and lethargy. Over 200 cases have been reported in Oregon since mid-August, with additional cases in Colorado, Illinois, and New Hampshire.

Oregon State Veterinarian Dr. Ryan Scholz explains that while the symptoms resemble upper respiratory disease, standard respiratory tests often return negative. Dr. David B. Needle, a pathologist at the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, notes that the illness is generally resistant to standard treatments. Fatalities are rare but have been linked to acute pneumonia developing after the chronic phase of the disease.

Ongoing Research

Researchers are actively investigating this illness, seeking to identify the pathogen responsible. There’s speculation that an evolutionary event, like a spontaneous mutation, might have caused a normally benign bacteria to become infectious.

Advice for Dog Owners

In light of these developments, we are issuing the following guidelines for our customers:

Monitor Your Dog’s Health: Watch for any signs of respiratory distress, coughing, or lethargy.

Limit Dog-to-Dog Contact: Reduce your pet’s interaction with large groups of unknown dogs.

Vaccinations: Ensure your dog is up-to-date on vaccinations like canine influenza, Bordetella, and parainfluenza.

Veterinary Care: Seek immediate veterinary attention if your dog exhibits any symptoms.

Our Commitment to Safety

At District Dogs, we are heightening our health and safety protocols, including rigorous cleaning and monitoring the health of all dogs under our care. We understand the gravity of this situation and are committed to safeguarding the well-being of your pets.

Understanding the Risks

We want to emphasize that while we are taking every possible step to protect your pets, the unpredictable nature of this illness means there are risks involved in socializing dogs during this outbreak. We encourage all pet owners to consider these factors when utilizing dog daycare services.

Staying Informed

We are in close contact with veterinary health experts and will continue to update you as more information becomes available. Your trust and the health of your pets remain our top priorities.

For any concerns or further information, please feel free to reach out to us. Together, we can navigate these challenging times with vigilance and care.


The District Dogs Team

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